Making an impact as we join together to support the wonderful work of charities in our community through fundraising, exposure and awareness.

BumbleBee Foundation
Supporting Pediatric Cancer Families
The BumbleBee Foundation is a non-profit 501C3. Founded in memory of Jarren Mitchell Donatini. Our foundation's core value is to share hope with pediatric cancer families.
Support for the Kids
You Can Make a Difference
Support For The Kids is dedicated to providing educational enrichment and comprehensive services to underprivileged and foster children and their families in our community.

Our Community House of Hope
Hope and Kindness are the Heart of Our Home
Our Community House of Hope provides a loving home for those who are dying and educates the community on end-of-life issues.
That all who are facing the end of life may die with dignity, comfort and peace.
Assistance League of the Conejo Valley
Assistance League Conejo Valley is a nonprofit organization comprised of volunteers who identify, develop, implement, and fund ongoing philanthropic programs to improve the lives
of children and adults in our community.

Villa Esperanza
Where Hope is Hard at Work for Individuals
Villa Esperanza Services is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the care and education of children, adults and seniors with disabilities. Founded in 1961 by a group of mothers who believed their developmentally disabled children deserved quality care and education, the program was named Villa Esperanza (“House of Hope”) in 1966.
Today, Villa serves children, adults and seniors each year ranging in age from 2-96 years old and include individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Down syndrome, mental retardation, and speech or communication difficulties.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Ventura County
The Big Brothers Big Sisters Mission is to help children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with measurable impact.

Community Conscience
The mission of Community Conscience is to ensure public assistance/welfare programs are available and accessible for the basic relief of those in need of such services in the Greater Conejo Valley by:
• Maintaining a permanent social service facility in Thousand Oaks accessible by public transit;
• Providing information to individuals pursuing such assistance;
• Promoting maximum coordination among agencies providing assistance services;
• Raising awareness of the need for assistance services not presently being provided; and
• Fostering our values of courtesy, respect and human dignity in services provided through Community Conscience and its partner agencies.
Pacers National Bullying Prevention Center
The End Of Bullying Begins with You
Founded in 2006, PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center actively leads social change to prevent childhood bullying, so that all youth are safe and supported in their schools, communities, and online.

Help Hope Live
Benefiting April Winter Bruno
Help Hope Live is a nonprofit that supports community-based fundraising for people with unmet medical and related expenses due to organ and cell transplants or catastrophic injuries and illnesses.
Ride On Therapeutic Horsemanship
Equine Related Therapy
Ride On teaches adaptive horseback riding to children and adults with physical and cognitive disabilities and we provide physical and occupational therapy specializing in using the movement of the horse to improve specific medical conditions.

Alzheimer's Association Central Coast
A World Without Alzheimer's Disease
The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.
Harbor House
Providing for those truly needy in the Conejo Valley
Harbor House is a social service agency dedicated to helping those who are most vulnerable.. We serve the homeless, hungry and poor by mobilizing the power of the local community. Working with those that are in poverty means we are working with those who struggle with food and housing insecurity, unemployment, addiction, mental illness and abuse. These problems continue through generations in families and we are aiming to end this cycle.

Raising Hope
Advocacy. Mentoring. Funds
RaisingHOPE, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization that provides excellent advocacy, awareness, funding and support for children and families in the child welfare system (sometimes commonly called the foster care system). RaisingHOPE, Inc. provides services for dependent children, non-minor dependents, parents of dependent children and foster parents or relative caregivers. Dependent children may be in foster care, group homes or other congregate care facilities, relative homes, transition homes or even with their parents. The organization also gives funding to provide for the needs of dependent youth or recently emancipated youth to pay for things not covered by any other means. The organization also has a high quality mentorship program for teens and young adults.
LucStrong Foundation
Supporting Families with Sickle Cell Disease
SCD occurs in about 1 out of every 365 African American births and about 1 out of every 16,300 Latino-American births. The only known cure for SCD is a Bone Marrow Transplant, in which the cost is extensive. Many families who enter the bone marrow transplant process find themselves in great emotional and financial strain and as a result are unable to meet some of their basic living expenses. The LucStrong Foundation offers grants, parking vouchers and gift cards to assist eligible families in meeting the financial challenges they are faced with.

Furniture Foundation of the Conejo Valley
Providing quality furniture to those in need.
The mission of the Furniture Foundation of the Conejo is to provide free quality furniture and household items to the formerly homeless and other economically disadvantaged individuals/families. These items will be provided free of charge in a manner that will support the dignity and self-worth of the clients. The Furniture Foundation of the Conejo will contribute to the conservation of natural resources by collecting donated items and passing them on for reuse, thus keeping them out of the landfill.
Art Trek
Bringing Quality Art Experiences to the Classroom and the Community
Art Trek, Inc. is a nonprofit arts organization and arts center whose mission is to bring quality art experiences into the classroom and community. Active since 1992, Art Trek has been creating positive and confidence-building experiences for individuals of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds: in kinder through college classrooms, public venues, our studio, and wherever we can meet a need.
We commit to extending ourselves into high-risk programs for underserved and needy populations, senior programs, social service programs, and to educators in professional training workshops. As of 2020, Art Trek teachers and volunteers reach over 50,000 youth and adults annually via STEAM, cross-cultural, cross-curricula, fine arts, team-building, and expressive workshops.

Assistance League of the Conejo Valley
Assistance League Conejo Valley is a nonprofit organization comprised of volunteers who identify, develop, implement, and fund ongoing philanthropic programs to improve the lives
of children and adults in our community.
Soropimist International of Conejo Valley
Live Your Dream Award
Soroptimist is a global women’s organization whose members volunteer to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. The Dream Programs of Soroptimist ensure women and girls have access to the education and training they need to reach their full potential and live their dreams. Soroptimist is committed to investing in programs that have a sustainable, measurable change for women and girls.

James Storehouse
From cribs to college, we serve kids in foster care.
We partner with local public and private child welfare agencies. James Storehouse fulfills emergency requests to expedite safe placement of babies and children and assists aged-out youth as they transition. We have received commendations from Los Angeles County and Ventura County recognizing our service to the foster care community.
Planned Parenthood Central Coast
Planned Parenthood Stands for Care
As the most trusted provider of reproductive health care, we work toward a future where all people have equitable opportunity to experience health and wellness including high-quality sexual and reproductive health care provided with respect and without judgement.

Harbor House
Pi House
After several years in the trenches with those who struggle most in our community, it became clear to the staff that we needed to go deeper into the causes of homelessness. We found that 36% of California foster youth become homeless within 18 months of aging out of the system. We wanted to break this cycle. We have received the most generous gift from one of our largest donors, who bought a house that has become transitional housing for former foster youth.
Conejo Schools Foundation
Hero Up
When tragedy struck our community with the 2018 Borderline Grill mass shooting, a group of CVUSD High School students transformed their pain into action and created Hero Up.
After extensive research and interviews with medical specialists, law enforcement, and administrators, portable kits were created with the materials necessary to stop extreme bleeding in emergency situations. Each kit also contains an easy to read, two-sided instruction card complete with a QR code that leads to an additional instructional video.

Adelante Comunidad Conejo
Adelante Comunidad Conejo brings Conejo Valley Latino voices into important community conversations.
We stepped into food distribution when the COVID-19 pandemic began in the spring of 2020. Many food pantries closed, families lost work hours, and grocery store shelves were bare. We began by helping Spanish-speaking families navigate challenges with picking up CVUSD-supplied meals. In two weeks, we went from 3 families to over 100, and with the help of many friends in the community, we began to organize.
Safe Passage
Nationwide, approximately nine million at-risk youth will reach age 19 without ever having a mentor. Safe Passage mentors are with each vulnerable child, five-days a week. Leaving no room for gangs to establish influence.

Fit 4 the Cause
Fit 4 The Cause provides diverse exercise and nutrition education programs for low-income communities, vulnerable children, at-risk teens and fragile seniors in Ventura, Simi Valley, Conejo Valley and the San Fernando Valley.
The Mark and Jacob Foster Care Ministry
Mark and Jacob Iskander spent the majority of their childhood in Ventura County, California. Prior to their abrupt departure to heaven on September 29, 2020, both Jacob and Mark enjoyed the very best that childhood has to offer. They were excited about learning, they excelled at their respective sports, they were passionate about their faith, they were surrounded by friends who adored them, and most importantly, they had a supportive family that loved them enough to make all of those things possible.
Because their family’s love is still as strong as ever, they’ve decided to honor Mark and Jacob’s legacy of love and light by starting The Mark & Jacob Iskander Foundation. Since the foundation’s inception, offering resources to foster care children has been a cornerstone of its mission. The Mark & Jacob Foster Care Ministry is the culmination of the Iskander families dedication to helping foster youth and the community’s outpouring of love and support. With all of us working together, Mark and Jacob’s beloved memory will generate more love and kindness for children in need.

Cancer Support Community
Cancer Support Community Valley/Ventura/Santa Barbara’s mission is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action and sustained by community.
Society of st Vincent de Paul
We are the Society of St Vincent de Paul, St Julie Billiart Conference, a financially independent charitable organization. Established in 2014, we provide philanthropic assistance to our neighbors particularly those in Newbury Park, CA regardless of creed, ethnic or social background, health, gender or political opinions. We are part of a worldwide network. Our conference is proudly made up of volunteers whom we lovingly call Vincentians.
Our vocation is to seek out and engage with the poor, homeless, the forgotten and the victims of exclusion or adversity. We exhibit reverence and empathy for the poor. We call them Friends in Need.
Assistance includes many forms of help to promote human dignity and personal integrity and to alleviate suffering. No work of charity is foreign to the Society.

Conejo Community Outreach
Visit Our Website
Founded in 2015 by women in the Conejo Valley, Conejo Community Outreach (CCO) — a 100% volunteer-run IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) — supports families in the community by connecting local generosity to local need.
CCO's primary year-round resource is its Community Diaper Bank, which launched in 2018. The diaper bank averages providing nearly 30,000 diapers (plus wipes) monthly for families in Conejo Valley and Ventura County. CCO partners with and supports families through CVUSD, Safe Passage Youth Foundation, Amigo Baby, Ventura County Public Health, First Five, Harbor House and beyond.
CCO's board members include Conejo Valley influencers, board members of the Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce, business professionals, 40 Under Forty recipients, business owners, and parent leaders. In 2022, CCO was recognized by the Conejo Valley Chamber as the Nonprofit of the Year.
Art Trek
Visit Our Website
Art Trek, Inc. is a nonprofit arts organization and arts center whose mission is to bring quality art experiences into the classroom and community. Active since 1992, Art Trek has been creating positive and confidence-building experiences for individuals of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds: in kinder through college classrooms, public venues, our studio, and wherever we can meet a need.

Healthier Tech
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Westlake Village, California and am the Mental Wellness Expert at the Four Seasons Westlake Village’s Center for Health and Wellbeing. I started this website in 2023, when I began hearing conversations around the school, soccer field and local parks, about the inevitability of purchasing smartphones for our kids- who are in still elementary school.
I decided to offer some in person workshops showing the data as to why it is a good idea to delay the first smartphone and have boundaries around technology use in general. I’ve been doing these ever since AND have joined with local parents who feel the same way as a local MAMA Chapter. Join us!